Dollar Spot Find

Do you ever walk through the dollar spot at Target and look at things to see what you can use to create something really great?  I took a trip through the dollar spot back before Christmas time and spent $50!  That’s 50 items.  What sort of gems did I find?  Well one was this little holiday themed standing sign.

be-merry-standI added the holes in it for my project.  So it was just something to set out for the holidays – pretty plain really.  But I had an idea!  I asked Greg to if he could drill holes in it and he said no problem – so I brought him a stack and a few minutes later he had all the holes drilled.  Any thoughts on what you think I might have created?

2014-Calendar-standIt’s a 2014 desktop calendar!  I thought if I could get the holes drilled I could add the cards for each month and make a flip calendar!  What do you think??

Here is a little bit of info on how I made it –

  • as you saw above we drilled two holes in the stand
  • I covered the front and back of the stand with a piece of card stock – I used my Punch Board to round the corners and glued the card stock directly to the front and back of the stand – punch the holes before you glue it down
  • I created my calendar for each month using My Digital Studio and printed them on Whisper White card stock. I cut each piece to fit the stand.  This took a little bit of trial and error to get everything spaced where I wanted.
  • I used Fresh Prints Designer Paper Stack to decorate the side of each month.  On the left side I also added a piece of card stock punched with the Ribbon Border Punch – it just barely has the little scallops peeking out.  2014-calendar-stand3
  • For each month I used a different print and I alternated the card stock colors each month – I used Coastal Cabana, Real Red and Crumb Cake.  After attaching the designer paper I rounded the top corners and punched the holes to allow the pages to be threaded on the rings.
  • During my club meeting where we made these I created a “cheat sheet” for them to see which month had which designer paper and what color card stock.   2014-calendar-guide1 2014-calendar-guide2
  • I threaded all the months on the ring and as the months change you flip the previous month to the back.  2014-calendar-side-view
  • To finish I created a tag in My Digital Studio with the 2014 that I could punch out with the ticket punch.  I added that to the ring along with a piece of Real Red ribbon.  201-calendar-stand2
  • I do open the ring, slide of the ribbon and the tag off so that I can switch to the next month – then put those back on so they stay in the front.


I was totally pleased with how this little project turned out!  My stamp club girls made one and I also gave them as gifts for my Leadership roommates.  I hope you like it as much as I do and that it gave you an idea for a future calendar project – just take a stroll through that dollar spot and see what you find.  Think outside the box and come with something different to do with what you find there.

Thanks for stopping by today!


My Digital Studio Virtual Crop Challenges

Have you heard about the My Digital Studio Virtual Crops that my friend Cindy and I are hosting on Facebook?  We have done a few now and they have been so much fun!  In just a few weeks the participation and members in our group have grown!  And we have people joining us from all over the WORLD – how exciting is that!  We love this software product from Stampin’ Up! and are eager to share and encourage everyone to use it.  Just try it!

Last week we had our April Virtual Crop and Cindy and I each had a challenge for the group.  Mine was much easier than hers!  I made two samples for mine – here they are –

fb birthdays-014

fb birthdays-013

Mine are both cards and the challenge was to take an element and repeat it on your project and then use the Align Feature to line them all up and space them all evenly.

And here is my creation for Cindy’s challenge –

cindy challenge - 2 page layout

She gave us a sketch that was a 2 page layout and we needed to create it as a photo book and use the 2 page view, we had to include ribbon elements, and a quote – and the quote was to be made up of different fonts/texts or cropped words.  Well I left out the last part – my quote is all one font, but I did have another font on my page.  You can’t tell in this shot but since my photo and my quote cross between the two pages they are actually in my layout twice – once on each page.  The double page view allowed me to line everything up because I could see both pages as a spread at the same time!  And believe it or not I was even able to attach my quote to my circle punch shape that the photo is in and got it lined up correctly – I wasn’t sure it would work but it did!  I just took a photo snip of my screen so you could see the two pages all line up together.

We also had our “pick of the crop” for those that tried the challenges and submitted their creations to our photo album.  There was one pick for each challenge and they get to display this cute badge on their blog or Facebook page to show that they were the “pick of the crop”.

MDS Virtual Badge-001If you would like to join us next month then you need to join our group on Facebook – MDS Virtual Digi Crop.  Leave me a comment here and let me know you plan to join,  ask to join the group on FB, and then I’ll approve you.

I hope to see you there when we have our next Virtual Crop – it should be in May sometime – a date will be posted in the group once we schedule it.


More Stampin’ Up! News from Tuesday

I forgot to add the Tuesday updates to my post the other day. I had lot’s going on that day and I was away from home and my computer all day.  I got home just in time to host our MDS Virtual Crop which was a lot of fun.

So Stampin’ Up! did have quite a bit of news for us on Tuesday – some of it you may have already heard or seen.  I did share a few things between posting here and on my Facebook page.  Here we go:

Stampin’ Up! News!

  1. Retiring Products – The list of retiring products from our current catalog will be announced on Monday, April 21st.  New this year BOTH stamps AND Accessories will only be available while supplies last.  These In-Colors are retiring – Gumball Green, Summer Starfruit, Midnight Muse, Raspberry Ripple and Primrose Petals. If you need Ink-Refills for the ink pads order them NOW – they will sell out fast – I will be placing an order this Saturday (before the retiring list gets posted) – so hopefully they won’t be gone.  Let me know if you want to be added to that order and which colors you need.  in colors
  2. Mystery PROMO – We’re announcing a five-day promotion on Friday, and we know you’re going to love it. Once the announcement is made on Friday, April 18, at 9:00 AM (MT) with what it is and when it starts – I will post it on my Facebook Business Page – be sure that you LIKE my page and get Notifications.
  3. Introducing Project Life – Stampin’ Up! has partnered with the amazing Becky Higgins to bring you the real deal-authentic Project Life products, now in exclusive Stampin’ Up! colors and designs. In a nutshell, it’s all about spending more time making memories and less time scrapbooking them.  As limited selection of Project Life products will be available to order starting May 1. And with the launch of our new annual catalog on June 2, you’ll be able to buy from our complete line of Project Life products!  blogimage2_projectlife_april1514_all
  4. New Weekly Deals 4/15 – 4/21– This weeks deals….  weekly deal 4-15
  5. New My Digital Studio Downloads –  New stuff this week….   love, love, love Gorgeous Grunge!mds 4-15

Surely there is something in that list of things that gets you excited and ready to place an order!  I know I have list ready to go!

Order online at my store any time – START HERE.


MDS using a custom background

Last week at Digi Crop nite I gave the girls a challenge to use the Custom Background feature in their project.  Here is my example –

San Francisco 2013-025

I also gave them a sketch to work off of – a sketch often helps give you a place to start.  My page follows the sketch.  And I used photos from a day trip we took to Santa Cruz – we weren’t there very long and the pictures are mostly from when we walked down the pier.

Using a custom background and selecting a photo is one of the fun things that you can do with My Digital Studio that doesn’t really work with traditional scrapbooking.  In case you haven’t tried it before here are a few tips to get you started.

  • Open your My Digital Studio Project and get to a blank page.  mds custom background
  • Open the Design Center on the right side and go to Background Papers.
  • Click on the CUSTOM option.
  • It will open up a screen for you to browse your computer and find the photo you want to use.  Add it.
  • Now create the rest of your page on top of it.

Give it a try and see what you can create.



Virtual MDS Crop

How do you get together with people all over the world and hold a crop?  You use something that connects people from all over the world together – Facebook.  Earlier this year when all of our Digital crops kept getting cancelled due to bad weather Cindy and I decided to hold a Virtual Crop using Facebook.  I set up a group called MDS Virtual Digi Crop.

Then we invited our friends that use My Digital Studio and normally come to our digital crop plus some others that didn’t seem to ever make it in person.  We picked a time and had our first Virtual MDS Digi Crop.  It was so much fun we wanted to do it again.  So our second one was held on March 18th and we invited more people and talked a bit about on our social networks and this time we had people joining us from not just all over the US but around the world!! How exciting is that!!!  Lara joined us from Ireland, Lisa R. popped in to say hi from Japan!  Plus our local folks and then others from various states across the US.  It was so exciting to have everyone play along.

So I thought I would share about it here on my blog (and I may have already mentioned back when we did it the first time) but now I’m inviting you to join our group too!  The plan for now is to do this once a month and our current date for the next one will be April 15.  But the group is open all the time and I’m going to do a bit of organizing so you can see the challenges and play along at any time.  For the March event we had two challenges – mine was to create a Facebook Cover photo using at least 2 photo boxes and a custom sized project – it could be for your personal Facebook page or a business one (or make one for each).   Here is mine for my personal page.

Facebook Covers-Mar

And now that I have the perfect custom sized project I’ll be able to easily create something new whenever I want.  And so will everyone else that played along.  Everyone loved the challenge.

The second challenge was Cindy’s and she wanted us to use the Freeform Line tool and the Freeform Brush tool.  She shared some instructions and links to videos.  We had some minor technical difficulities with those links – but if you went directly to My Digital website they ran fine from there.  I was so busy answering questions, saying hi as people joined, liking and commenting as people finished that I nearly didn’t get Cindy’s challenge done.  I had a first version right as we were ending but then posted an update version that I liked better.  I’ll probably do a little more tweaking to it but it’s generally done.

2013 Family Book-019

Perhaps you would like to join us next time.  If so you can ask to join our group on Facebook and when we have the next Event you will get an invite to it.  I hope to see you there!


Tell Me Tuesday March 18, 2014

Here is the Stampin’ Up! Tuesday news….

You can go straight to my online store  – SHOP HERE.

  1. You + Us + March 26 = Awesome!  Have you ever wished you could stamp with the folks at Stampin’ Up!’s home office? Your wish is granted–and your opportunity is coming soon! Here’s the basic rundown.

    Who: You! And feel free to invite anyone who wants to play along.

    What: This is a live, streaming event where we will stamp with the All Wrapped Up Bundle on page 6 of the Sale-A-Bration brochure. Order the bundle (one for each person who will be attending) in time to have it at the event. Our projects will also feature the Sweet Sorbet Designer Series Paper, so you may want to order that as the free Sale-A-Bration product. Then choose your preferred device–computer, tablet, smart phone, or even hook up your computer to your TV*–and tune in to learn some fun new things to do with the bundle!

    When: March 26, 2014, at 5:30 PM, 7:30 PM, and 11:00 PM (all times MT). We’ll demonstrate the same projects each time, so choose the one that’s best for you.  *****I’ll be joining the first one which is 7:30 PM Eastern Time.  If you would like to join me at my house let me know! ********

    Where: You don’t even have to leave home. Come to at your chosen time, and be prepared to stamp! We’ll also award door prizes to random participants.

    Why: So many occasions are coming–Easter, Mother’s Day, graduations, and more–and we want to help you be ready.

    Hope you can make it. We’d love to have you join us!

  2. New Weekly Deals 3/18 – 3/24 – This weeks deals….  weekly deals 3-18
  3. New My Digital Studio Downloads –  New stuff this week….   mds 3-18
  4. Paper Pumpkin – on 3/20 there will be more refill kits released for existing Paper Pumpkin Subscribers. You can see everything available at  on March 20.  The free Marker set offer ends on March 31st.  The March kit was the best one yet!   JOIN TODAY – just CLICK HERE – to go to the sign up.  And you can see ideas with past kits by visiting my Paper Pumpkin Idea Pinterest Board.
  5. pp promoSale-A-Bration is ending soon – don’t miss it!!!  1/28 – 3/31 – It’s our biggest event of the year!  For every $50 you spend you get a FREE Sale-A-Bration gift!  Shop, Host or Join.
  6. Join my Team – it’s not too late to take advantage of several offers – during Sale-A-Bration you get $150 of product in your $99 starter kit.  Plus free registration for convention for all new demonstrators – registration for convention starts April 8th.  And on April 28th Stampin’ Up! is doing a catalog premier in Theaters for demonstrators around the country!  I’ll know later this week if there is a theater near me – crossing fingers that there is.  Lot’s of exciting things going on at Stampin’ Up! – don’t you want to be a part of it?

I hope you found something fun in the things I listed above!

Order online at my store any time – START HERE.
