july ribbon

The July Ribbon Share is going to be the new In-Color Polka Dot Ribbon on page 182 in the new catalog.  There are 6 new In-Colors (Bermuda Bay, Crushed Curry, Dusty Durango, Melon Mambo, Rich Razzleberry, and Soft Suede) and you will receive 3 yards of each color.  The ribbon is ½” Grosgrain with white polka-dots on one side and solid on the reverse side.  These are going to be fun to use!

This is a great way to get some of each of the ribbons without having to buy the full roll of each.  Each Ribbon Share will be a group of 5 people. Group 1 is full so I am now filling a second group.  Full rolls of ribbon are 15 yards.  You’ll be seeing this fun ribbon in lots of my projects.

The Ribbon Share will be $15.  If you want it mailed to you please add $2 for shipping.  Payment due to me by July 29th.

$15 for July Ribbon Share

$15 + $2 for July Ribbon Share shipped to you

Please contact me by email to arrange payment – monikastamp@bellsouth.net

Have a great day!
