Do you want to have some recipe ideas featuring the new In-Colors? I mean real food recipes – not card recipes!
At my New Catalog Kickoff party I wanted to feature snacks that related to our new in-colors since whoever creates the names generally seems to always be hungry as most of them are food related. So prior to my party I went on a search for some recipes to try and here is what I came up with.
First I had Cucumber Crush Bites –
This was a recipe I had found a few months ago online somewhere and I see it going around all the time. If you are on Weight Watchers – this works – except for the cream cheese it’s no points. I used lite cream cheese but you could probably use a no-fat version too. You can find the recipe here.
The next color was Watermelon Wonder – besides just serving watermelon I wanted to find something else and came across a salsa recipe. So here is Watermelon Wonder Salsa –
This one is also great for Weight Watcher’s – the only points are the chips and I got Whole Grain tortilla chips. You can see the recipe here.
Out next color is Delightful Dijon and for that one you can go a lot of different ways. I finally choose to have Delightful Dijon Ham Sliders.
This would not be Weight Watcher friendly but I did try to make them a little better with some wheat buns and lite cheese. I think there are many versions of this recipe around. This is the one I used – see it here.
Then there is Mint Macaron – which should be easy just buy Mint Macarons. Well I couldn’t find any around here where I live so I needed an alternative. I decided on Mint “Macaron” Cupcakes.
Now I was hoping to get the frosting to look like our Mint Macaron color but I didn’t have any luck with that. Mine is just green looking and the frosting didn’t set up like it should have either – probably my fault for using lite cream cheese. I was trying to make it a bit more healthy. They still tasted good even if they didn’t look the way I wanted. See the recipe here.
So the last one was tricky – Tip Top Taupe – not exactly a food related name so I put on my thinking cap and came up with Tip Top Taupe Toffee!! I thought it was a perfect treat to round out my snacks.
I used an old recipe that I’ve made before – although usually i make it in the winter time. I swear in this summer heat it didn’t quite turn out the same – but still yummy tasting. See the recipe here.
I also served some water that I had cucumbers in so that was pretty tasty. Everyone enjoyed the snacks. Now you have your whole in-color menu ready to go! Enjoy!
Thanks for visiting today – let me know which recipe is your favorite.