May 1, 2018 | Uncategorized |
Welcome to my new blog – At Monika’s Place!

I’m still doing a little bit more “construction” over here to get everything the way I want it. This will be my new blog home from now on. If you receive my blog updates through email – it should automatically convert to this new blog.
Thanks for stopping by!

Apr 15, 2018 | In Colors, Retired List, Uncategorized |
Stampin’ Up! is going to be doing a Color Revamp this year. It’s been 8 years since we made a significant change to our core colors. Color trends are change over time and we want to keep our color offering fresh, new, and relevant.
What does that mean? Let’s take a look.
- Colors will be updated in the 2018-2019 annual catalog. This will start on June 1, 2018.
- the In Color program will remain the same – with 5 colors rotating in each year and staying for 2 years
- keeping 27 of our existing core colors
- 13 core colors are going away
- 5 In Colors (2016-2018) are going away

- 5 new In Colors are being introduced – the 2018-2020 In Colors

- adding 10 brand new core colors

- adding 6 returning In Colors that will now be core colors

- our color offering will expand from 50 to 53 colors
- we rearranged the color families a bit

I’m excited about the changes and the new colors. The majority of the retiring colors were not any that I was using. I can’t wait to get my hands on the new ones!
I received these color swatches at the CenterStage event last weekend so here are all the colors in a pretty rainbow swirl!

Be sure to order any ink refills, card stock and accessories in the retiring colors before they are gone for good. You can shop in my online store – HERE.
Thanks for stopping by today.

Jan 8, 2018 | #mailacardmonday, Cards, Uncategorized |
I’m starting something new for 2018 – Mail a Card Monday – #mailacardmonday.
Every Monday I plan to send out at least one card and I’m challenging everyone else to join me!

This was my mailbox when I was sending out Christmas cards – so I’m not sending out that many every Monday. I’m challenging everyone to send out at least one card each Monday for the whole year! That would be 52 cards.
Last week Monday was a holiday but I got my cards in the box – I had 4 go out last week. So they really went out on Tuesday but I had them in the box. Today I mailed out 7 cards and had to resend one Christmas Card.
Throughout the week I make myself a little list of who I need to send cards to and then on Sunday’s I’m getting them together. I really do love to decorate the envelopes. So if I don’t already have a coordinated envelope I’m try to make those real quick on Sunday night.
Will you join me? I’m posting on my Instagram and on my Facebook Page and Group. Be sure to share a picture with me and a comment and let me know you are playing along.
Have a great day and let me know if you are playing along. And post with the hashtag #mailacardmonday

Dec 11, 2017 | 2017 Holiday Catalog, Big Shot, Christmas, Tags, Uncategorized |
Last Friday I was scheduled to have a Wrap Up the Holidays class but mother nature didn’t like that idea. Instead we had snow! Which is not normal for us – I live in Georgia – we average maybe 1-2″ of snow in a whole year and that’s usually in Jan/Feb time frame – occasionally in March. Rarely in December. But this weekend we got about 8″ of snow at my house! So since my class was cancelled I decided to be brave and do a FB Live on my Stamping Together At Monika’s Place Facebook page instead. It was my first real one on my page where I showed a project. You can visit my page to watch it if you haven’t already.
Here is the project that I made.

It’s a set of tags featuring the Card Front Builder Thinlits dies and the Wood Textures Designer Series Paper Stack. I also made a little box to hold the tags.
You can get written instructions here – Tree Tags and Box
Then on Sunday I got an email from Stampin’ Up! that they are offering a surprise Free Shipping day on Monday – December 11th – that’s today!
It’s a Surprise from Stampin’ Up! FREE SHIPPING!
24 hours only Monday, Dec. 11, 2017. 12:00 AM to 11:59 PM (MT).
– if you just need one small item or a whole cart load – order on Monday and it ships free!
Use the Host Code = Y6DEERDN when you checkout. For orders over $25 I’ll mail you the consumable supplies to make the tag project above.
Have your order delivered directly to your home by ordering at Online Store
Don’t forget about the Year-End Sales Event and Clearance Rack for last chance items and savings.

Thanks for visiting and happy shopping!

Nov 7, 2017 | Cards, Stampin' Blends, Uncategorized |
I’ve been having fun playing with the new Stampin’ Blends. I wanted to show you one of the cards I made.

Isn’t she so cute?
I used the new Stampin’ Blends with the This Little Piggy set. She is so happy on my card. Did you know you can also color the pearls? I have a little tiny pearl in the center of the flower and it’s colored with the Pool Party Blends to match the flower.

Have a happy day! Thanks for stopping by.
Order the new Stampin’ Blends today. Don’t forget about my giveaway for orders in my store through Nov. 15th – read more about it here.

Oct 20, 2017 | Cards, Christmas, class, Uncategorized |

Christmas Card Stamp a Stack ClassIt’s time for the popular Christmas Card Stamp a Stack class! Join me on Saturday, October 28th at 2:00 PM Come make a stack of beautiful handmade Christmas cards to send to family and friends this holiday season.
4 card designs and you will make 5 of each one for a total of 20 cards. Envelopes included.
Please bring your own adhesive or plan to purchase some here. Bring a pair of paper snips and you may also want a bone folder. Class Fee – $35*
Or $20 with a qualifying product order. RSVP by Monday Oct. 23 . Thanks! I hope to see you there! *Please note that I do a lot of prep work for this class. If you are unable to attend and I’ve already cut your supplies you still need to pay for the class and I will give you the supplies along with photos of the completed cards for you to finish on your own. Thanks for understanding. |