Hi everyone! I hope you are having a good week. We are having some gorgeous weather here – I hope the rest of you are too. Today I’m posting about the Stylish blogger Award. This was given to me by Patrice from My Little Patch of Dirt – it has been a little while – I’ve just been very busy so I’m just now getting this on my blog. Thank you so much Patrice – I hope you will visit her blog and leave her some love. She leaves comments for me all the time and it makes me feel so good.
As part of the award I have to tell you 8 things about myself and pass the award on to 8 other crafters. So let me share some things about myself –
- I just completed 5 years as a Stampin’ Up! Demonstrator – Feb. 3rd is my Stampin’ Up! Anniversary. I joined during Sale-A-Bration because it was the best time to join and this year the deal is even sweeter than it was when I joined.
- Before I started stamping I was a cross-stitcher – I started doing that in middle school. I made a counted-cross stitch Christmas stocking for Greg while we were dating in college and made four more – one for myself and each of my three boys. I decided after it took me forever to finish Ryan’s stocking (it was ready for his second Christmas) that I needed a new craft because this one took too long to get to the end result – that was when I found stamping.
- I have a B.S. in Computer Science from Ga Tech and worked in programming, and project management for 12 years before deciding to stay home full time with my three boys.
- My favorite TV shows are Grey’s Anatomy, American Idol, Glee, Brothers & Sisters. My old favorites that I watch on DVD in my craft room are Friends and Charmed. I use the DVR to record them and watch when I have time.
- I have always been shy and quiet, I don’t like to speak in front of people or talk on the phone. Stampin’ Up! helps me overcome those things because I love to share what I’m making and what I’m doing with anyone that will listen.
- I love animals. I have two mini Jack-Russel terriers (Magnolia and Aspen) now. I used to have two miniature schnauzers(Skip and Scarlet) that lived for 15 and 16 years. Growing up I always wanted a dog but I didn’t get one until Greg gave me one of the miniature schnauzers when we were dating in college – that was Skip. I love to watch the birds in the backyard and soon it will be nesting season and I hope to have pictures and stories to share with you over the next few months. I hope one day to ride an elephant, and visit the Galapagos Islands. I would love to swim with the dolphins – but I actually did get to do that once already!
- I was born and raised in Georgia – I have lived my entire life right here in the the metro-Atlanta area. Greg was also born and raised here in Georgia. We haven’t gone far! We met in college at Ga Tech. And we have been in our house now for 16 years and plan to be here forever more – with all the work we have done on the house we don’t plan to leave.
- I love being a Stampin’ Up! Demonstrator! I enjoy having classes and workshops and sharing with everyone. I’m totally excited that my team is growing and I’m able to share this great opportunity with others. I don’t make decisions quickly and thought about joining SU for several months and did lots of research before I actually committed. I found my upline through her website and signed up after meeting her for the first time. She was such an inspiration to me and helped me create a successful Stampin’ Up! business – and she is one of my 8 Stylish Blogger Award winners.
That was hard to do. Patrice said the same thing when she made her list and I agree. So let me tell you who my 8 Stylish Blogger Award winners are:
1. Wendy Randall (my wonderful upline) – www.thestamper.com
2. Roxy Somerville www.stampingwithroxy.typepad.com
3. Robin Merriman www.trinitydesignstudio.blogspot.com
4. Cindy Schuster nutmegcreations.blogspot.com
5. Rosemarie Diehl rosemariediehl.blogspot.com
6. Carrie Gaskin artisticavenger.wordpress.com
7. Heather Summers stampwithheather.typepad.com
8. Gretchen Barron gretchenbarron.typepad.com
Congratulations ladies! I love to visit your blogs and see your project ideas. Once you put the award on your blog remember to tell us 8 things about yourself and select 8 more crafters to pass this award on to. And for those of you visiting my blog I hope you will take a few minutes to stop by each of these ladies blogs and see some great projects and ideas!
Have an awesome day!