I know it isn’t the greatest of pictures but this is a Pileated Woodpecker which was the bird that “Woody Woodpecker” was modeled after. I have only seen one come by a few times. He was actually in the neighbors yard on a rotten log. They have a large chisel beak. This is a big bird – 15″. One of the biggest birds that we get in this area. He is almost as big as the Red-Shouldered Hawk that I got pictures of a few weeks ago. And is the largest wood pecker in North America. Its wingspan is 26″ – 30″. You should seem him glide through the trees!
I was outside and happened to see the bright red crest on his head moving around. I ran inside to get my camera and went to the back porch. He wasn’t there very long and then flew up into the trees back behind our yard. This one appears to be a male because it looks like he has a red moustache behind and below his bill. The female has a black moustache.
I hope he comes back again – I would love to get some more pictures of him.
Thanks for stopping by!
Hey Monika!
I stopped by to see what was new, and noticed your pics of the woodpecker! I had one stop by my backyard last summer and he was busy on an old tree. I removed the screen in my bathroom carefully so as to not scare him away and took lots of pics of him getting his lunch!
His head was bobbing too quickly for me to get any good pics, but I have a few that I can show people to show them how large they really are…. amazing, huh!
I am still jobless…. just hangin’ with the fam, but still not too worried. I have been sick for a week now with a cough, sore throat, headache and general malase… don’t know if I will get better at this point, but hoping regardless…lol.
Well, have a nice day… :O)