I sat outside today for a long time so that I could take pictures of the Bluebirds. The babies are big and just about ready to leave. I can’t open the nest box anymore to look inside so these are all from outside. I got some good ones though. I hope you like them.

One of the babies again. I imagine them standing on each other trying to look out of the hole. “it’s my turn – let me get on your head now”
I thought I got some great pictures today. They were pretty active. Dad seemed to sit nearby keeping an eye on things – either on the fence, in a nearby tree or on top of the house. Mom seemed to be the one going and getting all the food. And those babies are almost ready to leave the nest. It should be any day now. I actually saw both mom and dad checking out the other two bird houses in the yard today. They are already thinking about that next nest and another set of babies. Busy busy!
Amazing photos!!! Thanks so much for sharing!!!!
Great pics. Enjoyed them. Thanks