You can use My Digital Studio to create a digital card to post on your friends Facebook pages on their birthday. That was what I did this weekend. I made two cards – a “girl” card and a “boy” card.
And I’ve already used them since Facebook tells you whose birthday it is – assuming you check Facebook each day – when you see the notice then you can click over to their page and post a photo message. I created the cards in My Digital Studio and then exported them to a .jpg file so that I could use it anywhere I want. I may even get a couple of these printed.
Both were actually from templates. The boy one was easy – all I really added was the Happy Birthday stamp underneath. The girl one was a bit harder – I found a quote that I wanted to use – then I searched for stamps of the key words and added those in different colors ( I replaced the quote that was in the template) and then added the rest in text boxes. I did have one tricky word – smiles – the word was actually smile and I needed to add an ‘s’ – well thank goodness we have the new CROP a stamp feature in MDS2 – I was able to find another word in that stamp set with an ‘s’ and crop the rest of the letters away and tack the ‘s’ onto the word smile – I bet you didn’t even notice! Here is a photo so you can see what I mean
And one more thing on the girl card – the template was actually a 11 x 8-1/2″ scrapbook page and I converted it to the card and removed the photo box replacing it with the birthday cake stamps.
Oh the things you can do in MDS2!!! Hey that rhymes!
On Tuesday nights a group of us get together here near my house at the Panera restaurant and work on our MDS projectst together – we usually have a new trick or idea to share too. Come join us.