I did it!  I got up on stage at the Stampin’ Up! Birmingham Regional Conference and did a Workshop Wow presentation!  And I didn’t even mess up – I almost forgot to show the cookies in my little treat bag but I remembered at the end.  My friends took some pictures of me and I am working on getting pictures of everything I showed so that I can post it here and on Stampin’ Connection for everyone to see all the little projects.

Setting up my presentation


Our table at the regional


Here I am on stage doing my presentation.


I had the cameraman over my shoulder so I had to remember to hold everything towards him instead of holding it up towards the audience in front of me.  Shannon gave me a tip on shaking hands – she said to hold my arms against the table instead of up in the air – so that is what I tried to do the whole time.  I was so glad I got through it and hopefully what I said made sense to everyone.  They clapped – more than once – so I think it was good!  I will be sharing all the instructions for my projects and up close pictures of each one here on my blog – so if you were at the regional and didn’t get a picture you will be able to see everything here.

at the end of the day with Shannon and Donna from Stampin' Up!

My group had a great time and I hope everyone else did too.  We all received a card keeper box to decorate, an art journal and kit to decorate, and an extra mini scrapbook project plus our two make ‘n takes.

Have a great day!