Not only was it my mom’s birthday but my niece and nephew had birthdays this month too – Noah the week before – he turned 4 and Ally the week after – she will be 2. I saw on another demonstrator’s blog where she was making Cupcake kits for her daughter to take as birthday gifts to her friends parties – she included a cupcake pan, liners, cake mix and frosting. I really like the idea and wanted to adapt it for gifts for Noah and Ally. I also had purchased the Simple Birthday Thanks large cupcake stamp which I thought would be great for making Thank You’s that Noah and Ally could use. So I combined these two ideas to create their Cupcake themed birthday gifts. I found online these Puzzle Cupcake Sets – one creates a train, dump truck or rocket ship – that one is for Noah; the other a bear, fish or turtle – that one is for Ally. I decorated a gift bag and inside I added Cake Mix (the kind with sprinkles of course), Frosting (again with sprinkles), decorator icing (in little tubes), candy sticks, and their matching box with Thank You cards, envelopes and crayons inside. Here are some pictures:

Noah's Birthday
Colors used for Noah’s: Pacific Point, Green Galore, Summer Sun and Riding Hood Red

Ally's Birthday
Colors used for Ally’s: Green Galore, Pixie Pink, Pink Passion and Orchid Opulence
And here the kids are with their bags:


And then my boys with both of them…
Have a Happy Day!
These turned out great! Love the colors for each of them. Looks like you had a good time too. Oh yeah, that cake was so lovely for your mom. Loved the butterflies all over it.