I think most people like to play games and everyone loves to win free stuff.  I know I love to win free Stampin’ Up! product!  I am currently playing Blog Bingo on my blog and the next bingo clue is at the end of this post.  But here is another game that you can play with a chance to win a $400 Stampin’ Up! shopping spree!  This is from the Late Night Stampers group which I am part of.  Lots of sharing goes on in this group!  Read on below to see how to play and enter the game:
Late Night Stampers Founder, Sherrill Graff has a fabulous game going on right now.  There are clues found on various blogs of Late Night Stampers.  Collect 20 clues and be entered in a drawing for a $400 Stampin’ Up Shopping Spree.  Hurry, because she’ll be drawing a winner soon.
Now, here’s my clue:  Butterfly Prints on page 107 in the Stampin’ Up! 2010-2011 Idea Book & Catalog
Now, collect 19 more clues, and get your chance to win that $400 shopping spree!  Turn your answers in to Sherrill at


Here is a list of some other blogs where you can find clues and each of them will have a list too:
http://latenightstamper1.blogspot.com/ (This one has a long list of other blogs that you can visit)




Have fun with that!  There is some wonderful Stampin’ Up! art on these blogs.

And now on to my little Bingo game if you are still with me – I know $400 is a much bigger prize that what I’m giving away but for those of you still playing with me here is the next clue for Monika’s Blog Bingo.

It’s BINGO TIME!  We are playing Round 2 of Monika’s Blog Bingo.  I’m currently taking names for Round 5.   See this POST for more details on how to join, how to play and the Round 1 winner.

I know some people are close…..last time we had a winner on the 9th piece that I called.

Here is piece #8 –the Moving Furniture from Loads of Love stamp set (stamped in Chocolate Chip). 

Thanks for playing along!