I don’t think I have updated you on the birds in the last couple of days. So I wanted to share some more pictures and let you know what is going on. If you are here to read about today’s stamping project – I posted it earlier this morning so scroll down to see it.
More babies are here – I noticed Sunday after the rain on Saturday that the Tufted Titmouse was leaving the bird house so late yesterday afternoon I got the chance to take a peek and guess what I found – Babies! Her eggs just started hatching. She originally had 6 eggs and in this picture it looks like 3 have hatched and I can see 2 that haven’t so the last one must be buried under the pile.
And look at all the dog hair inside the bird house – my dogs have short hair so it isn’t from them but there are several neighbors with white dogs that the hair could be from! This morning I was able to get a picture of the Tufted Titmouse as she was leaving the house. Now it will be 15-18 days that the babies will grow in the nest before they fledge.
Yesterday afternoon I also noticed the Chick-a-Dee leaving her house so I was finally able to take a peek inside of it. And she has 6 little tiny eggs in there. She has been sitting on them faithfully for some time now so I wonder if they are close to hatching and she decided to go out for one last time before she gets busy feeding them all day.
The last time I was able to get a peek inside her house was on 4/15 and she had 4 eggs then. So if she finished laying her eggs on the 17th – then she incubates for 11-12 days – that would mean the eggs should be hatching the 28th or the 29th – so we have a couple more days to go.
The bluebird babies have gotten bigger but I wasn’t able to get a good picture of them this one is blurry but they are much bigger. Click here to see the first picture I got. They spend 15-18 days in the nest and we are on about day 8 so they will be there for another week or so.
The Robin is still sitting on her nest so I don’t think those babies have hatched yet – maybe later this week.
I do have one more picture to share – a Red-Headed Woodpecker.
He has an all red head and the black wings with the white patches and the white body. He is very striking! I don’t see this one very often but he (or she) has been around the last couple of days. They like the peanuts and the suet that I have out. The more common Red-Bellied Woodpecker is the one I see all the time and people often call it Red-Headed because it has a partially red head. But the true Red-Headed Woodpecker is this one with the all-red head. The book I have says the nationwide populations of these are on the decrease.
This morning I saw them both at the same time but I couldn’t get to my camera.
Well have a great day! Thanks for checking in on the birds.
I really like your stamping projects but am here for the bird postings. I started watching last year and as I told you am inspired to make my yard bird friendly. We are well on are way with that project and now have trees and gardens planted. I am feeding and watering birds now but no homes yet. They are nesting in my neighbors trees so hopefully next year we will get some. Checking now about bird houses and where to put them in the yard for the kinds of birds we get. My fav is the chickadee but I don’t think they nest here because I only see them in the winter. Thinks for the inspiration and your love of birds.
I too am a stamper and bird watcher! I was watching birds first though! I just love how you have made your birds a part of your blog…you inspired me to do the same! Thanks! We recently got chickens, by mistake, we put their coop too close to the blue bird box and I was sad to see them leave. On a happy note, we moved the coop (thankfully it’s portable) and the blue birds have been visiting again. I also have a faithful house finch couple who build nests in my hanging baskets every year. You can check out my blog to see their progress. Yesterday, my hubby put in an order for a purple martin house…I’m so excited about adding that to my yard! Thanks for all the wonderful bird info and I can’t forget all the great stamping idea’s you share too!