Robin feeding 2 babies
It’s a beautiful day here for raising babies! Baby birds that is. All the mommy and daddy birds are busy feeding their growing babies. I can see the bluebirds and robins all day long. I see the towhee’s quite often but usually hear their call even when I can’t see them – since my office is in the front of the house which is where their nest is I hear them out there calling all day. I finally decided that the little chickadee is just that – little and fast and that’s why I don’t see them much they zip in and out of the bird house so fast you don’t always notice them. I did get a few good pictures – the robin has 2 babies for sure and they are getting big too.

Robin feeding 2 babies
I had a visit from a Red-Headed Woodpecker today but didn’t get a picture. I’m keeping my eye out and camera ready for his return. I also saw the hawk today – he landed in the neighbors yard and then flew through while I was outside. It’s probably best for him to stay away right now – I’d hate for him to get one of the baby birds – yes they do eat birds. There are lots of chipmunks around too – some are really small so they must be the young ones. Aspen and Magnolia are alert for those chipmunks – so far they have all gotten away. Yesterday was a close call – Aspen was under the deck running back and forth to either side of the little shed that we have under our deck. Magnolia was on the top of the yard by the gate near the driveway. The chipmunk outsmarted Aspen and snuck through a hole under the porch to get back to the top of the yard – but then right over to Magnolia! Luckily Magnolia was looking the other way and the chipmunk made a quick turn ran out the fence and into his hole right as Magnolia turned around. She stared at the hole for awhile trying to figure out what just happened.
I’m working on some stamping projects now so I’ll post again later today or tonight.
Thanks for stopping by!
Great pics-cute babies!!!