I have  My Digital Studio page to share with you today –

This is my niece, Ally.  She was singing for us one night over the holidays while we were at the beach.  The song she is singing is called Aurora – some of the words are journaled around the edge of the page.  The song is from another girl – middle school age – that is a family friend of my brother and she created the song as a science project for school and has it on itunes.  My niece loves this song and the little girl.  I was trying to find the song on the internet and came across this – http://www.myfoxatlanta.com/dpp/news/local_news/Student-Sings-for-School-Science-Project-20120109-gda-sd – the local news did a story on the girl this week.

I did take some video of my niece singing the song – while it isn’t very good and she is only 4 – it is still really cute -one problem is that I took the video sideways and I can’t figure out how to turn it.  The first video is Ally singing  by herself all happy and silly and the second one has the itunes version playing with Ally singing but then she gets real quiet and hides – well it turns out she gets sad when she hears the song because she wants to see the girl that sings it.

Ok – well that didn’t work – I thought I could attach the videos here for you to see but it isn’t working.  sorry.

I’m working on leadership swaps and some blog posts so that I can start showing you my cards and have stuff to post next week while I am in Texas.  I can’t wait to see all my friends and have some girl time.