Put the Spotlight on MDS (My Digital Studio) was the name of the Share Fair Class that I taught at leadership. When Stampin’ Up! called a few months ago to ask if I would be a presenter – I was completely surprised, nervous, scared, and excited. I wasn’t sure I could do it but didn’t want to say no either. Then I kept reminding myself that over the years I had been taking little steps doing presentations in front of people and this was the next step. I would do it!
Ideas ran through my head about what to share – and of course I knew exactly what to share. Over the last year or 2 the MDS offerings that I have had were the MDS Intro Class, the MDS Digi Crop Nites and then the addition of the Creative Retreat that included an MDS project in the Make&Takes. My friend and fellow demonstrator Cindy works with me on these events – and that was one of the things I told everyone is to find a friend and do these events together. It works perfect for us. I wish Cindy had been there with me to do the presentations but she wasn’t able to attend Leadership this year. We are planning our next Intro Class for February – the exact date I’ll post as soon as it is final. The Digi Crops we are having twice a month right now – those dates are on my website and FB page. And the next Creative Retreat is going to be in May – save the date May 15 (evening start) – May 18. More details will be coming later.
Wednesday after I arrived in Houston I went to the convention center for a rehearsal. Got over there just in time and realized I didn’t have any of my notes! They were all in the hotel room. I guess that is how it was meant to be – I went through the rehearsal without them. I think I missed a few things but overall I covered everything. Then I put together my display board.
Thursday was the day of the presentation and I found my class sign outside the room. And then waited on my time to start – I was in the second session of classes. I didn’t have much focus during the first set so I pretty much missed them all. Everyone should be doing Webinars over the next month or so and I’m hoping to catch all of those. I do still have that to do – mine will be in late February. So if you missed the class you can catch the webinar.
I got a little more nervous when I found out I was following Holly Linford – the MDS guru at Stampin’ Up! – and then found out my helper was not there. My replacement helper turned out to be Brian Billing – the Demonstrator Training Manager! I got miked up and he introduced me and I did my first presentation. I went for the full 20 minutes. I didn’t stop to answer questions and it was a good thing I didn’t. In my 3rd presentation someone asked a question and I tried to answer – I totally lost track of where I was! Yikes. So if you were in my class and you had a question I wasn’t trying to be rude and ignore you but I was afraid of what would happen if I stopped and while I thought I could handle it by the third time – I was wrong. You can ask me now or I’m pretty sure during the webinar that you can write in with questions too.
Maybe you couldn’t tell but I was nervous and so HOT! I told Brian after the first one I needed a fan. I got water. I could have taken off my vest but was afraid the back of my shirt was wet! Seriously not good. This is what I looked like after I was done.
Thumbs up – red faced and smiling! But I did it!
At the end of leadership on Saturday I went back to take down my display board and they let us keep our name signs.
The only problem for me was that I brought 2 small suitcases this time and neither one was long enough for the sign to fit in! So luckily my friend and roommate Linda had a big suitcase and she was able to bring it home for me. Thanks Linda! She was also the one taking most of the pictures for me. Thanks Linda!
Thanks for listening to me today – I intended to say that at the end of my presentation but I think I forgot! But thank you if you came to listen to my presentations – I hope you found something to be helpful.