Happy New Year!!

I ended up taking a long break from my blog and spent time with family.  I was so lucky that I got to spend time with them.  All my boys were home (and actually still here – Kyle leaves Wednesday and Ryan on Sunday).  We visited with my parents, my brother and my niece and nephew on Christmas day.  Greg’s mom spent Christmas eve and Christmas day with us.  Then Greg’s sister and family came in the day after and Greg’s brother and family came the day after that – all 13 of use were together for family time on the 27th.  I even had some time shopping with the girls – my mother-in-law, sister-in-law and niece.  It seems I did most of the shopping though – which is normally not the case!

Anyway my hope is to blog regularly through the week now that the year has started.  I used to always use a to-do list when I worked full time and over the years I got so far away from that – now I’m trying to get back to it.  And update my blog will be one item on the list every day of the week.

For Christmas I made a gift for Greg using Project Life cards.  I used cards from the Happiness Is card kit.  I chose mostly journaling cards – the ones I could write on, with a few decorative ones in between.  I wanted 12 cards that I could write a monthly date on!  Each month we will set aside a time to have a date and each of the cards has a suggested date for the month.

PL-Date-CardsOn each card I stamped the month using the Project Life Day to Day Photopolymer stamp set.  I used the ink colors that matched the cards – for this set they are mostly the new in-colors – Lost Lagoon, Hello Honey, Blackberry Bliss, and Tangelo Twist.  I wrote on the cards using my Project Life Journaling pen.  To finish the project I punched a hole in the corner of the cards and strung them on a book ring.  Then tied some coordinating ribbon around the handle.

PL-date-coverI wasn’t sure at first what I wanted the cover to look like – but found this NOTE card in the set and thought it would be perfect since it had boxes for TO and DATE.  Behind the cover I added two months and then a decorative card and repeated till I finished the year.  Not all the dates are things that cost money or even where we go anywhere.

PL-date-febHere is one where we will stay home and watch movies together – I didn’t specify what movie series it will be we can decide on that closer to the date – maybe even something new will be available.

PL-date-MayI love to watch the sunset but it’s not something we can see from our house.  We will have to find us a nice place where we can go.  Greg actually got me wine for Christmas from some place that he visited in Chicago this past year.  So this was kind of perfect.  Really there is one bottle of wine per month – I got 12, so we could match them up to our dates!

This would make a fun gift for Valentine’s Day too – or even adjust it to be for one of your kids – mommy and me date cards – or anyone that you’d like to spend more time with.  Just think of things that you can do together.  In case you wondered what our 12 things are here is the list –

January – Let’s enjoy our evening by the fire pit roasting s’mores.

February – Let’s plan a triology movie marathon.

March – Let’s explore the walking trails & parks in downtown Woodstock.

April – We will hit up the bowling alley … lowest score wins!

May – I’ll grab the wine you grab the cheese and let’s watch the sunset somewhere.

June – We will pack a picnic dinner and watch an outdoor movie.  (on the laptop in the backyard is ok too)

July – In honor of our anniversary month let’s get dressed up and eat in downtown Atlanta where we got engaged!

August – How about a round of mini-golf?

September – Food crawl: appetizers, then the main course, followed by dessert – all at a different place.

October – Let’s road trip up north to visit some apple orchards and see the fall leaves in the mountains.

November – Game night – we’ll enjoy our favorite board & card games and snacks.

December – Let’s enjoy a night of watching old home movies before the holiday rush.

Does that sound like a good list of dates for 2015?  I’m looking forward to it and so is Greg.  Not sure when our first one will be we will have to work it out with the weatherman.


Here is a supply list for this project.

Product List

Links by TheseAreMyStamps.com

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you have a wonderful 2015!
