Aug 13, 2014 | My Digital Studio, Scrapbook Pages, Virtual Crop
Did you know that once a month I have a My Digital Studio Virtual Digi Crop on Facebook? My friend Cindy and I host a virtual crop on our Facebook Group – MDS Virtual Digi Crop. If you’d like to join the group leave me a comment here so I know to approve you.
Last night was our Virtual Crop for August and Cindy and I each had a challenge for the group. Everyone has until tonight to make their creations and then add them to the photo album for everyone to see. Then we choose a Pick of the Crop and you get a fun little badge to display on your own blog or Facebook page.
For last night my challenge was to create a planner – either a monthly or weekly planner. I created both. My weekly planner look like this –

I printed out my page and filled it in for this week. I have a some changes I’m going to make and I’ll print a new one for next week. I just use regular paper and keep it on my desk. I’m planning to write my shopping list on the back for dinner each night. I’m trying to do a better job planning out the meals for the week – I haven’t done that in many years. We were just all so busy going in all different directions. Now that Ryan is going off to college it will all be different.
And Cindy had us do a sketch challenge using one digital kit. Here is my creation for her challenge.

Thanks for stopping by today.

Apr 22, 2014 | Cards, My Digital Studio, Scrapbook Pages, Virtual Crop |
Have you heard about the My Digital Studio Virtual Crops that my friend Cindy and I are hosting on Facebook? We have done a few now and they have been so much fun! In just a few weeks the participation and members in our group have grown! And we have people joining us from all over the WORLD – how exciting is that! We love this software product from Stampin’ Up! and are eager to share and encourage everyone to use it. Just try it!
Last week we had our April Virtual Crop and Cindy and I each had a challenge for the group. Mine was much easier than hers! I made two samples for mine – here they are –

Mine are both cards and the challenge was to take an element and repeat it on your project and then use the Align Feature to line them all up and space them all evenly.
And here is my creation for Cindy’s challenge –

She gave us a sketch that was a 2 page layout and we needed to create it as a photo book and use the 2 page view, we had to include ribbon elements, and a quote – and the quote was to be made up of different fonts/texts or cropped words. Well I left out the last part – my quote is all one font, but I did have another font on my page. You can’t tell in this shot but since my photo and my quote cross between the two pages they are actually in my layout twice – once on each page. The double page view allowed me to line everything up because I could see both pages as a spread at the same time! And believe it or not I was even able to attach my quote to my circle punch shape that the photo is in and got it lined up correctly – I wasn’t sure it would work but it did! I just took a photo snip of my screen so you could see the two pages all line up together.
We also had our “pick of the crop” for those that tried the challenges and submitted their creations to our photo album. There was one pick for each challenge and they get to display this cute badge on their blog or Facebook page to show that they were the “pick of the crop”.
If you would like to join us next month then you need to join our group on Facebook – MDS Virtual Digi Crop. Leave me a comment here and let me know you plan to join, ask to join the group on FB, and then I’ll approve you.
I hope to see you there when we have our next Virtual Crop – it should be in May sometime – a date will be posted in the group once we schedule it.

Mar 20, 2014 | My Digital Studio, Virtual Crop |
How do you get together with people all over the world and hold a crop? You use something that connects people from all over the world together – Facebook. Earlier this year when all of our Digital crops kept getting cancelled due to bad weather Cindy and I decided to hold a Virtual Crop using Facebook. I set up a group called MDS Virtual Digi Crop.
Then we invited our friends that use My Digital Studio and normally come to our digital crop plus some others that didn’t seem to ever make it in person. We picked a time and had our first Virtual MDS Digi Crop. It was so much fun we wanted to do it again. So our second one was held on March 18th and we invited more people and talked a bit about on our social networks and this time we had people joining us from not just all over the US but around the world!! How exciting is that!!! Lara joined us from Ireland, Lisa R. popped in to say hi from Japan! Plus our local folks and then others from various states across the US. It was so exciting to have everyone play along.
So I thought I would share about it here on my blog (and I may have already mentioned back when we did it the first time) but now I’m inviting you to join our group too! The plan for now is to do this once a month and our current date for the next one will be April 15. But the group is open all the time and I’m going to do a bit of organizing so you can see the challenges and play along at any time. For the March event we had two challenges – mine was to create a Facebook Cover photo using at least 2 photo boxes and a custom sized project – it could be for your personal Facebook page or a business one (or make one for each). Here is mine for my personal page.

And now that I have the perfect custom sized project I’ll be able to easily create something new whenever I want. And so will everyone else that played along. Everyone loved the challenge.
The second challenge was Cindy’s and she wanted us to use the Freeform Line tool and the Freeform Brush tool. She shared some instructions and links to videos. We had some minor technical difficulities with those links – but if you went directly to My Digital website they ran fine from there. I was so busy answering questions, saying hi as people joined, liking and commenting as people finished that I nearly didn’t get Cindy’s challenge done. I had a first version right as we were ending but then posted an update version that I liked better. I’ll probably do a little more tweaking to it but it’s generally done.

Perhaps you would like to join us next time. If so you can ask to join our group on Facebook and when we have the next Event you will get an invite to it. I hope to see you there!

Feb 12, 2014 | My Digital Studio, Scrapbook Pages, Virtual Crop |
The weather has been crazy here and we keep having to cancel our regular MDS Digi Crop nites that we have at the local Panera. Today I thought – why do we do this as a virtual crop – everyone will be on their computers anyway – I’ll just create a Facebook group and we’ll have our own Virtual Crop. I sent Cindy a message and she thought it was a great idea! I got everything set up and we invited all our MDS girls and we had a blast creating with MDS all from the comfort of our home!
We had 2 challenges – Cindy came up with one and created her sample and I came up with the other and created my sample. Here is mine – a very basic page

The challenge was to use one of the photo only templates that are in the Designer Template section. And find a winter font, download, install and use it on your page. I found a site with 10 free winter fonts that I pinned on my scrapbook board and shared with everyone.
Here is a look at where you find the photo only layouts in My Digital Studio –

Mine was from the 12×1 Photo Only – round corners template. And I used two winter fonts – one was called Snow Dream and the other Angelic Serif.
To build the page this is what I did:
- started with the photo template
- I added a background paper.
- Filled in my photos – I did add a drop shadow and mat.
- Added the title.
- And then added a flag punch and a text box for the date.
We had so much fun that we are going to do it again. Now to figure out when.
This page has pictures from our Snowjam week in January. Well guess what we are in the midst of another winter weather situation. We had one storm come through this morning with snow and freezing rain. Now another one is starting (this is the BIG one) bringing freezing rain, snow, sleet, ice. They are expecting lots of ice which can cause the power to go out as trees and lines fall with the weight of the ice. We shall see what happens – they are telling us to prepare to be home for several days.
Come back and visit me again. Leave me a comment and let me know what you think about the virtual mds crop. Would you be interested in participating? Since it is virtual it wouldn’t matter where you lived.