Happy 25th Birthday Stampin’ Up!

Stampin’ Up! is celebrating their 25th birthday!  The number 25 seems to be popping up in everything they send out and today is no exception.  Here is the latest news and specials from Stampin’ Up!

  • First – you still have today to join my Stampin’ Up! Team for $25 – they extended the offer through tonight 11:50 mountain time.  Visit my website to join – JOIN NOW.
  • Next – 25 stamp sets for 25% off

DemoHeader_25for25_demo_October22-28_NAVisit my online store and look in the category 25% off 25 stamp sets.  Check your wish list – sale sets include:

  1. A Dozen Thoughts
  2. A Gift for You
  3. Apothecary Art
  4. Betsy’s Blossom
  5. Bright Blossoms
  6. Christmas Star
  7. Crazy, Mixed Up Love
  8. Cuddles & Kisses
  9. Gently Falling
  10. Gifts of Kindness
  11. Gorgeous Grunge
  12. Happy Day
  13. Hearts a Flutter
  14. Hello Lovely
  15. Itty Bitty Banners
  16. Jewish Celebrations
  17. Label Love
  18. Lots of Thanks
  19. Morning Post Alphabet
  20. Oh, Hello
  21. Ornament Keepsakes
  22. Snowflake Soiree
  23. That’s the Ticket
  24. Yippee-Skippee!
  25. Zoo Babies
  • And something new to speed up your holiday card making – Card Bases!  Already Cut and Scored and ready for you to decorate.  20 card bases for $4.95 – in the following colors – Cherry Cobbler, Crumb Cake, Old Olive, Pool Party, Smoky Slate, Whisper White and Very Vanillacard bases
  • New My Digital Studio Downloads – fall and holiday – see them here 10-22-13_MDS_Downloads.
  • NEW Weekly Deals – Dress Up Framelits, Sweet Pressed Cookie stamps, Remember this Rotary stamp and the Wicked Fun Digital Kit.weekly deal 10-22
  • In case you missed it earlier there is a new Christmas Photopolymer stamp set – Endless Wishesb1_demoheader_photopolymer_Oct1513_NA
  • Don’t forget that this is the last month to get some of the Stampin’ Write Markers in the new colors individually – colors include Bermuda Bay, Blushing Bride, Calypso Coral, Crushed Curry, Island Indigo, Pear Pizzazz, Pool Party, Smoky Slate, Soft Sky, Wisteria Wonder.  You can still get them as part of the family sets but if you need to fill in a few holes be sure to do it before the end of the month.
  • And be sure to check back on the Clearance Rack regularly they are adding new stuff more often.

I try to post newly released products and special announcements on my Facebook page – Stamping Together at Monika’s Place – so be sure to LIKE my page and have it show up in your NewsFeed.

Thanks for stopping by today!




Here I am

If you wondered why I haven’t posted in a while – well I went away on a long scrapbook weekend in the North Georgia Mountains.  It was a really fun weekend and I spent time working on a scrapbook that I have been planning for years!  I just haven’t taken the time to actually sit down and work on it.  But I did this weekend.  It was so fun to go look back at the pictures of our trip that we took in 2006.  Yep it was quite some time ago and we have all changed – the boys have grown into young men and well Greg and I have aged a bit.

I had intended to create blog posts while I was away  but after the first day up there the internet stopped working and well I spent the time doing other things and not on my computer.  I suppose that is good I’m sure it meant I spent more time scrapbooking and more time getting to know the other people at the cabin – I only new a few to begin with and there were about 20 of us there.  It was a fun weekend with lots of crafting and laughing in a beautiful cabin (well a rather large house really) on Lake Rabun in the North Georgia Mountains.

I thought I would share the first layout for my scrapbook that I worked on while I was at the retreat –


I actually made the layout years ago and saved all my designer paper form this collection when it retired.  Plus the stamp set, ink and card stock.  Pretty much everything I’m using is now retired.  And I’ve ended up making a few substitutions (or additions) too.   The colors that I saved were Sage Shadow and Really Rust – remember those?  I’ve been hanging onto all this old stuff just for this scrapbook.  I printed lots of pictures before I left for the weekend so that I could bring them with me.

I had a whole bag of stuff that I had saved from the trip  and I was excited to realize that I had already sorted it all by each day of our trip.  It was a great trip that started in Las Vegas and we circled through Utah and a bunch of National Parks, across Lake Powell, to the Grand Canyon, across the Hoover Dam and back to Las Vegas.  Something different almost every day and I had all my notes and everything saved in my bag.

And don’t forget today is the last day to join STAMPIN’ UP! for only $25!

join for 25

I have an email going out along with a class reminder for this week – but email service seems to be having an issue getting it out.  I am going to set up a duplicate email – so if you get it twice – I’m sorry but since this is the last day I want to make sure everyone sees it.  Join my Stampin’ Up! team for $25 – today is the last day.  Visit my website – www.monika.stampinup.net and click on JOIN THE FUN.  From there you can sign up online and your starter kit will be on its way and you can start placing orders!


Join Stampin’ Up! for $25

What?  Did you read that?  Join Stampin’ Up! for $25.  Yep it’s true.  But not true for very long.  This offer ends on October 21st.  But for two short weeks you can become a Stampin’ Up! demonstrator for only $25.

join for 25

Here are some of the details –

During this offer, only the special $25 starter kit will be available; the regular $99  starter kit will not be available. The $25 Starter Kit includes

  • $26.95 worth of Stampin’ Up! product (it must be more than $25, but not more than $26.95 before tax)
  • Business pack which includes
    • A box of annual catalogs
    • A package of the current seasonal catalog
    • Getting Started DVD
    • Customer Order Forms
    • Customer postcards


Why is October a good month to join?  Well it happens to be the first month of the quarter and as a new demonstrator your first sales minimum isn’t due until your first FULL quarter (in this case Jan – March) that means March 2014.  So you can get all your Stampin’ Up! purchases for 20% off for the next 6 months if you are joining to get yourself a discount.   All your sales from October through March will count towards your first full quarter amount of $300. 

As a new demonstrator you get a bonus on your first $150 order within 45 days of joining – so instead of 20% you will get 30%. PLUS if you place that order within 30 days (rather than 45) Stampin’ Up! will give you a free stamp set from the catalog – any value – the most expensive one is $46.95!

If you are signing up to make extra money that’s 30% on the first $150 that you sell – that is $45!  And you only paid $25 to join – you are already ahead making some extra bucks!  But wait if you bump that first order to $250 you can also take advantage of the October hostess special – and extra $25 in hostess benefits – so $65 total of free product if you are the hostess.  And the 30% on that $250 order is $75!

There are no strings attached so if you decide later that you don’t want to stay a demo and you haven’t met your sales minimum ($300 by the end of March) you go into a pending status for April and then you get dropped.  You keep everything.

A new mini catalog will start in January and as a demo you’ll get to pre-order in December.  And there is always the Sale-A-Bration promotion at the beginning of the year – great deals for customers and demonstrators during that time. 

I have team meetings every other month and the next one is October 12th – right in the middle of this promotion.  So plan to join me for the meeting and meet some wonderful ladies and have a fun evening getting creative!  Let me know by Friday if you want to come.

I did a little bit of math – you might be saying “UGH” but I actually loved math when I was in school.  And if you don’t want to read through the math part – at least read the last paragraph that I underlined.

1.       Join for $25.  Get $26.95 product plus business supplies.

2.       First order $150+ within 30 days. Get 20% + 10% = 30% instant income (that’s $45) PLUS a free stamp set from the catalog any value (the most expensive set is $46.95) – and hostess benefits are $25 in product – so if you are the hostess you get that too.

3.       Increase your first order to $250 placed in October – then you get bonus hostess rewards $40+$25 = $65! Plus the 30% off = $75! And the free stamp set.

product total = 26.95 + 46.95 + 250 + 65 = $388.90 in product

cost = $25 + 250 – 75 = $200 ( you have to add some shipping and tax – roughly less than $20)

So you are getting all of that product at almost half price.  I think I figure it out to be about 56%.    Plus you will continue to get a 20% discount as long as you are a demonstrator or more depending on your monthly sales.

So what are you waiting for?

Contact me today with any questions you still have or go to my website and click on JOIN THE FUN.

[contact-form subject='[Stamping Together At Monika%26#039;s Place’][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’State’ type=’text’/][contact-field label=’I want to join for $25!’ type=’checkbox’/][contact-field label=’Comment’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form]
