WordPress app
I’m testing the wordpress app from phone seeing if I can post from here. Let’s see if I can add a photo. Here is one of the baby bluebirds from this morning.
I’m testing the wordpress app from phone seeing if I can post from here. Let’s see if I can add a photo. Here is one of the baby bluebirds from this morning.
After the Bluebird babies were born I decided with so many babies I better make sure there was lots of good food around for mom and dad to feed them. So I bought some meal worms and a new little feeder for them. I hung the feeder up in the tree near the bird house and tried to put out some worms in the morning and afternoon. A couple of days I also got out the camera to take some pictures. I thought it was funny that it seems the dad would pick up a worm or two while the mom would get as many as she could hold before going back to the house. It didn’t take them long to find the worms in the feeder. And they emptied the feeder pretty quickly grabbing worms taking them to the house and going back and getting more. Here are some photos for you.
I hope you enjoy the photos. I tried checking back inside the house on Tuesday but mom and dad stayed really close to the house and I couldn’t get a peek. And because there are so many babies inside its really crowded so I won’t be opening the house anymore – don’t want anyone to come out too early. It’s been 11 days now since they were born. They fledge after about 15-18 days – that would be the first part of next week. I’ll keep my eyes out. And I think I may go buy more meal worms tomorrow since the 500 that I had are all gone!
Look at this cute little note card that we made in my Saying Good-bye Hands On class.
As I was creating for my Saying Good-bye class I had a sheet of stamped flowers on my craft table left over from the mini scrapbook project we made during Stamper’s Club. And I thought – oh I should just turn that into a quick little note card. So that is what I did. Here are the details:
And an update on the Bluebirds for you. The babies hatched on Mother’s Day! Now wasn’t that appropriate! She is going to be a busy mom with 6 babies – glad she has help from dad and her other babies. I did go buy some meal worms yesterday afternoon so it would be a little easier for them to find some food for all those babies.
later on mother’s day – I thought all 6 had hatched but there is a faint hint of blue so there may still be one egg under the pile here
Have a great week!
It’s time to watch for babies again. I don’t think I have done a recent update here on my blog. So I thought I would catch you up. My bluebirds have laid 6 eggs for their second clutch. This picture was from April 30th.
I estimated that the last egg was probably laid on April 28th. I checked the nest again yesterday – I had to wait on mom to go out and get some food. In case you wondered she does roll the eggs around. Here they are on May 8th.
I like how they were in a circle before and now they are in rows. She incubates for about 12-14 days and this would be day 11 – so any day now….maybe they will be Mother’s Day babies!
I found a Blueberry Camera in a house at Berry College which is in north Georgia. You can find it here if you would like to have an inside view. Their bluebird laid 4 eggs but only 1 hatched – one of the professors checked the remaining eggs yesterday and removed them from the nest since they weren’t viable. The baby in that nest box hatched last Friday morning – so it is 1 week old.
Here are a couple of other pictures – mom peeking out of the house as she incubates the eggs –
And this one is dad at one of the feeders with a baby from the first clutch – the baby is hungry and dad is still feeding it. I’m not sure how long after they fledge that the dad continues to feed. This could be the runt – remember the one that was having trouble flying. I’ll to see if I can learn some more about that.
Yes the Bluebirds are back (well still here really). I cleaned out the birdhouse after the first set of babies fledged and they promptly built a new nest. This week they started laying eggs again. Today is Saturday and there are 4 eggs. I’ll check tomorrow to see if they lay a 5th egg. Here are some pictures for you.
Have a great weekend!