I’m not sure that Ryan even remembers this anymore (he probably does – I’ll have to ask). These were pictures from 2003. We found this baby squirrel in the backyard and it was following Ryan around everywhere. It must have fallen out of a nest because he was all alone.
We decided to give it some food (birdseed) and a little cap filled with water. We put it on a paper plate – this was one of those small paper plates not the normal size – the are maybe 4 or 5 inches diameter – so he was still pretty small.
I really wasn’t sure what to do with him. We had out dogs in the house so I couldn’t bring him in there and we need to leave for something so I didn’t have time to take him anywhere. I finally decided just to leave him in the back yard – I didn’t think he would be able to get out of the fence and the dogs were inside so I thought he would be safe for the hour that we would be gone.
When we came back and searched for him he was still in the backyard but somehow had injured himself – he was now dragging his back legs. Not good. We got him into a shoebox and drove him up to the wild animal vet. Ryan was still pretty young so he didn’t really know that something was wrong. The vet said the squirrel had broken his back and wasn’t going to survive. It was so sad and I didn’t really have the heart to tell Ryan. So instead I just told him the vet was going to find a proper home for him and we left him there. It was several years later when Ryan was older before I told him what really happened to the baby squirrel. I still don’t know how he hurt himself unless he was climbing the trees while we were gone or a cat came into the yard and tried to get him.
The pictures were still very cute so I decided to drop them on this scrapbook layout – it was a sketch I found on a scrapbook blog somewhere. I created the rectangles – three photo boxes and three punched rectangles. I got them all to the exact same size by using the edit object and setting the height and width. Then I aligned them with one another using the align options in My Digital Studio – you align the top, the bottom, the centers, or left edge or right edge. On the left side is a rectangle punch filled with the Crumb Cake (Kraft) Textured card stock and then the scallop border punch (two of them overlapping). I added some chocolate chip stitching. The stamped images are from the Thoughts & Prayers stamp set. I played around with the drop shadow on the flowers and the title – changing the opacity and color until I got the effect that I wanted. Once I had everything on the page – I decided to add a text box at the bottom for my journaling – but when I was done the journaling was way to close to the bottom of the page so I wanted to move everything up to make the whole thing include the text be centered at the page. I didn’t want to move all the elements individually because I finally had it all lined up. So I figured out that I could go to the ARRANGE drop-down menu and have it SELECT ALL. Then with everything selected you can select GROUP – so it groups it all together. Then go to the Align Objects button and select to center vertically on the page and the horizontally on the page. This will move the whole group at once. Then you can ungroup and unselect. I hope that made sense!
Spring Bingo players here come your next two pieces – are you ready?
Is anyone close to a Bingo yet? Let me know when you get 5 in a row.
So remember yesterday I told you to change the clocks. So Greg changed the clock in our bedroom. What we didn’t know is that the clock actually changes itself – it has a setting that you turn on or off and it was on. So this morning we were TWO hours ahead – instead of just one. It is fixed back now but it’s good to know if we forget the clock will do it for us.