While going through all my Bluebird photos yesterday I did have a few of some of the other birds and animals that visit the yard so I wanted to share some of my favorites of those too.

We have lots of Chipmunks and lately I see one sitting on this rock under the Japanese Maple quite often.  I wonder what he is thinking about.

We have lots of Chipmunks and lately I see one sitting on this rock under the Japanese Maple quite often. I wonder what he is thinking about.

Right now we have lots of Gold Finches around.  I caught these two getting a drink from the fountain.

Right now we have lots of Gold Finches around. I caught these two getting a drink from the fountain.

Mocking Bird at the feeder.  I think they may have a nest somewhere nearby because I often see them chasing the squirrels away like they are protecting something.

Mocking Bird at the feeder. I think they may have a nest somewhere nearby because I often see them chasing the squirrels away like they are protecting something.

Red-Bellied woodpecker getting some peanuts.

Red-Bellied woodpecker getting some peanuts.

The Robins always find nice juicy worms in the yard.

The Robins always find nice juicy worms in the yard.

I caught this squirrel sunbathing on the porch - he was there for a long time just laying on the post.

I caught this squirrel sunbathing on the porch – he was there for a long time just laying on the post.

A little Tufted Titmouse at the feeder.

A little Tufted Titmouse at the feeder.


I hope you enjoy these photos.  They are not always easy to get – you have to have the camera ready, and be willing to sit and watch.  This is my quiet time – sitting outside on a rock or standing at the window looking out – just waiting on a good shot.

Have a great day!

