I knew I had a winner out there and she has been found!
It is Stacie from CA. Congratulations Stacie! I’ll be sending you your prize in the mail!
Here is her message to me:
“Bingo, bingo, b-i-n-g-o! I think, i hope…..I just went through all your posts again and somehow I had missed the soccer ball earlier. !!!!eeeeek!!!!! I’m so excited!
I have the snowflake, “create”, soccer ball, “handcrafted”, and the owk on a woodgrain background.
Let me know what to do….should I take a pic and send it to you?
With a follow-up message:
“Ok, I was too excited to spell check….obviously the “owk” is an owl. Ack!
Yes I knew you meant owl!
I’ll get the next group ready and send cards out on Monday 9/27 with the new game starting on Tuesday – 9/28. That will be Group 4 and I’ll send your cards to you in an email. Thanks for playing!